Friday, December 15, 2006

Jharkhand Vigyan Manch (JVM), established in the year 2000, is a Society registered in the State of Jharkhand, India. This has succeeded Science and Technology for Society (STS) operative since 1982 for over a decade followed by Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (Ranchi Unit) since 1992. Broad objectives of the organisation are listed below.

  1. Use of Science and Technology for development and socio-economic changes, particularly for finding solution to the problems faced by humanity with special emphasis to have-nots, poor, downtrodden and non-elite sections of the Society.
  2. Linking science with the people through Peoples Science Movement and inculcation of scientific attitude, innovative and creative scientific thinking and approach in children and adults in all matters of day-to-day life.
  3. Promoting self–reliance in Science and Technology, and utilization of indigenous results of research as also to make public aware of the implications of scientific knowledge and technical advance to promote their active involvement in the movement.
  4. Environmental and ecological considerations in all matters of socio-economic development.
  5. School Education in Common School System and Common Education System in Neighbourhood Schooling mode (CSS-NS) and against the wrong provisions of the Right To Education Act 2009.
Registered Office:
Dhanwanti Bangla (Unit #7)
Shreya Enclave Rd.,
Bariatu, Ranchi-834009

Tele contact:09431102680; 91-651-3255795 e-mail:

Governing Board
Dr. V.N.Sharma,
Consultant, Env., Water and Waste Mgt., Ranchi
Ph. +91- 651-2441524; Mobile: 9431102680

Vice – Chairman
Dr. Karuna Jha,
Consultant Gynaecologist,
Bharati Hospital, Kokar,
Ranchi.Ph. 9006771916,9431105585

Principal Co-ordinator
Dr. Arvind Kumar, Reader,
Soil Sc. Dept.BAU, Ranchi
Mobile: 9431393494

Co-ordinator (S and T)
Sri Om Prakash,
SAIL,Ispat Bhawan,
Lodhi Rd., New Delhi

Co-ordinator (Operations)
Sri Ashok Pd. Singh,
DEO Office, Ranchi,
Ph. 0651-2513454
Mobile: +919431371925

Co-ordinator (Finance)
Md. Samiullah Khan,
Ismalia Momin Urdu Girls
H/S Doranda, Ranchi.
Ph. 9709139734.

Co-ordinator (Liaison)
Sri K.D. Ojha,
Env. Mgt. Dept., SAIL/RDCIS, Ranchi
Ph. 8986880041

Co-ordinator (Child Right)
KKM College,Pakur

Regional Co-rdinators(Vacant)

Dr. AK Sarkar, Agr.Scientist
Dr. CB Choudhury, IT exp
Dr. S.Mazumdar, Steel exp
Dr. SK Mishra, Health
Ms Sarita Kumari, Bldg Designer,
Sri Umang Sharma, SW
Sri Mahesh Bareja, Educationist
Sri R.D.Tigga, Trade Unionist
Dr. Shashi Bala Singh,Obs and Gyn
Dr. Gajendra Kumar,Health
Dr. Anil Kumar, Neuro-physician
Dr. S.Kumar, Horticulture and
 Agro Expert

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